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Nyssa in ACTION Raising Funds For Future Projects

Nyssa in ACTION continues to meet during the winter months working on its organizational structure. The group meets at 6:30 pm, the first Tuesday of each month at Thunderegg Coffee Company. They are currently seeking individuals with a passion or expertise in helping non-profit organizations establish structure, bylaws, procedures, etc.

According to president, Susan Barton, the group is also raising funds for its future projects. "We have assumed responsibility for the Ford Institute Leadership Program/Nyssa cohort memorial paver sales," she said. "There is still room around the flag pole at Thunderegg Memorial Park for more pavers, with the funds going to Nyssa in ACTION." Those future projects are based on the "dream list" the community compiled during a summer braingstoming session.

Nyssa in Action recently hosted two additional fundraisers. The group sold popcorn at the Nyssa Nite Rodeo and sold concessions during the Owhyee Riding Club's "Bombproof Your Horse" clinic at the rodeo grounds. "We want to thank the Owyhee Riding Club for giving us the opportunity to get our name out into the community and raise some funds," Barton said.

Upcoming tasks for the group include establishing a web presence with e-mail, web page and possibly Facebook. "The winter months are a good time to lay the groundwork for the organization so when good weather arrives again, we'll be poised to get started with outdoor projects and invigorate our Nyssa," Barton said.


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