A community assessment is a strategy for obtaining a clear picture of our community. It helps identify assets in the Treasure Valley as well as its challenges. In addition, it can also serve as launching pad for developing strategies and a shared vision for high-level change within our community. 4RHC hosts a central location for community assessments. These assessments are available to the general public. If your organization has a community assessment it would like to share on our site, please email us.
2014 Eastern Oregon The Future of WorkSource Report
2014 Eastern Oregon Cooridanted Care Org., Cost & Utilization Report- Malheur County, 2014
2014 Community Health Needs Assessment
2013 Malheur County Community Advisory Council Needs Assessment Summary
2013 Malheur Express Public Transit Survey
2013 - 2016 Malheur Council on Aging Revision Area Plan
2013 Ontario Police Department Annual Report
2013 Harvest House Mission Homeless Survey
2010 Local Food and Farm Economies in the Greater Treasure Valley
2009 Community Food Assessment Highlights and Summary
2009 Coordinated Public Transit Plan
Four Rivers Healthy Community, is honored to present the 2015 Malheur County Baseline Report. Through the diligent efforts of several stakeholders, 4RHC was able to produce this document in a collaborative effort with our local Cradle To Career Partnership.
Our organization’s work revolves around four pillars: Health, Leadership, Livability, and Education. Through our education
pillar we strive to promote proactive strategies that increase the success of our children, youth, and adults to reach their full potential. The work of the Cradle to Career Partnership strengthens a framework that situates our youth to become
successful adults.
Here at 4RHC we like to say, “You Make A Difference, We Make It Easier.” This baseline report was a necessity for the Cradle to Career Partnership as the group moves forward. For us, it was a project we could provide assistance with to empower a
group that is driving change in our community. We are excited be apart of this Cradle to Career journey and look forward to the difference the partnership will make.
To download a copy of the report CLICK HERE. To download a print quality of the report CLICK HERE.