Leadership Team
Lori Clark, Chair The Oregon Child Development Coalition, Program Director
Stephanie Navarrete, Co-Chair Malheur County ESD
Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education,
Casey Clark Ney
Four Rivers Healthy Community, Executive Director
Ted Martinez
Malheur County Juvenile Dept.
Kelly Poe
Malheur County ESD
Director of Community Based Services
Theresea Martinez
Malheur County ESD, Eastern Oregon Community Based Services, Early Learning Coordinator
The Cradle to Career (C2C) Partnership in Malheur County is a group of organizations, citizens, parents, service providers, and schools who care about kids and making sure the youth in our communities succeed and reach their full potential. C2C brings together local business, government, non-profit organizations, faith community, parents, students and community stakeholders to ensure the sustained success of every child from cradle to career.
The Malheur County Cradle to Career Partnership meets on the Second Tuesday, monthly from 2:30-4 pm at TVCC Board Room, Weese Building.
This meeting is open to the public, feel free to join us!
Coming Soon
Meeting Documents
January 2016 Agenda & Minutes